Weekend Snapshot #3

This week, I've been reading, crafting, shopping, watching, learning, bookmarking, and printing. Here's the highlights I'd like to share: videos, sales, downloads, and tutorials from around the blogosphere and the wider world wide web.


* Babywearing is the norm among the minority people where I live in rural China, so I loved the BabyCenter video!

* As the temps drop outside and in, I'm excited that it's time to bundle up in comfy winter wear. For some clothes-shopping deals, check out Amazon's $20 off Outerwear sale.


* I like Almost Frugal's posts on taking care of your clothes and your appliances so they'll last longer.

* Check out Amazon's Holiday Sales for Kitchen & Home ... a lot of it is random, but they do have good deals on a George Foreman Removable-Plate Grill (great for quick, healthy meal prep), a 2 1/2 quart crockpot, and a money-saving yogurt maker.


* From the online buzz, I can tell I'm not the only one fascinated by what I've read about "freeganism." What do you think?

* Reading Lighter Footstep's post on kitchen appliances reminded me of my post on implementing sustainable living. I wrote it before the actual launch of SimpleMakes, so it's one of those archived, comment-less posts. Why don't you check it out and give it a comment? :-)


* As my husband and I finalized Thanksgiving travel plans, it was good to stop and enjoy some new crafty, meaningful holiday traditions.

* Bookmarking UK lass in US's "lazy" crayon roll tutorial, to try later for colored pencils.

That's it for this week! If you have a link I might like to feature in the future, tag it for:simplyla on delicious. If you're delicious-less, try email: send your idea to me here.