Travel & Tumble

I'm back! Only until Sunday, though, so keep asking questions (about ANYthing!) for me to answer when I return.

Simple Pleasures

We saw the sites, ate the food, spent the money. My favorite moment, though, was a simple one... on a letterboxing hike, we found this beach and were the only ones there. We played in the sand, sorted through the seashells, climbed the rocks, and got our toes wet. Check out my flickr account for more trip highlights.

Coming Soon

Stay tuned for an upcoming post on packing efficiently (packing light!), in answer to Whitney's comment on the "Ask me!" post.

I'm also researching for a good cartooning how-to resource. I'd like to answer 's question, plus, inspired by reading The Creative Family, I might like to learn this creative art form myself!

Since I mentioned letterboxing, I'll go ahead and let you know that a series of posts is in the works and will be featured this November.

Other News

I checked my site stats this morning and was excited to see I'd been featured at ecoTumble, the Tumblr site from Lighter Footstep, a blog I subscribe to. (To quote: We think there’s a strong connection between “green” and simple living. So we love Lori Ann’s Simple Makes blog...) Thank you so much!