Hungry as I walked home tonight, I resisted the temptation to pick up convenience (i.e., junk) food and decided to mix up something healthy that would give me the calcium, fruit, and whole grains that I hadn’t had all day... and satisfy my sweet tooth, too!

The Recipe

• 80 ml (1/3 c.) rolled oats, toasted
• 40 ml (3 Tbsp) pomegranate seeds
• 75 ml (5 Tbsp) yogurt, plain
• 5 ml (1 tsp) honey
• opt. dried or fresh chopped fruit

Put it all in a small bowl. Stir. Eat! Makes enough for one not-too-hungry person (so you might want to double it, or more).

Download It

If you'd like to print a recipe page, I've uploaded a free printable PDF at Scribd. Enjoy!

...and you?

Try it out! What other grains or fruits (fresh or dry) would sub well in this one?

If you make this delicious snack, you’re welcome to add a photo to our flickr group!