I accept (and look forward to!) all sorts of messages - praise, questions, post ideas, products or websites I might consider featuring, and other suggestions. I also accept civilly-worded criticisms including reports of inaccuracies, broken links, and bugs.

Please let me know what you'd like to see more of, what you hate, what looks good, and/or what doesn't work. E-mail me here and I'll reply if necessary (let me know if you want a response), or else I'll just fix the bug or beam under your appreciation.
Got Questions?
Email me here with questions I can answer either directly or as a post. If you're okay with a post on the blog to answer your question, tell me what name (if any) I can use and to whom I should link it (your blog, etsy store, etc.).
Got Products?
If you have a product you'd like featured, let me know here. I'd love to share what you have (especially if it's simple, beautiful, green, & practical!), but to make sure it's a product I truly endorse, I suggest sending a free sample (ebooks work great). Other ways to get your product reviewed or featured:
* Donate it as a giveaway to my readers. We'll work together on the details to get the word out so you and I both benefit from increased traffic.
* Purchase advertising. A well-designed image linking to your product website may be the best way to get my reader's attention.
To discuss any of these options, email me here.
Got Links?
Write an article you think I'll love, or find one elsewhere online? Instead of writing me, please bookmark your link on delicious, and tag it for:simplyla. I'll make sure to check it out next time I'm on delicious, and if it really strikes my fancy, it may be featured on a Saturday link round-up post or as a special post all to itself.
Got Questions?
Email me here with questions I can answer either directly or as a post. If you're okay with a post on the blog to answer your question, tell me what name (if any) I can use and to whom I should link it (your blog, etsy store, etc.).
Got Products?
If you have a product you'd like featured, let me know here. I'd love to share what you have (especially if it's simple, beautiful, green, & practical!), but to make sure it's a product I truly endorse, I suggest sending a free sample (ebooks work great). Other ways to get your product reviewed or featured:
* Donate it as a giveaway to my readers. We'll work together on the details to get the word out so you and I both benefit from increased traffic.
* Purchase advertising. A well-designed image linking to your product website may be the best way to get my reader's attention.
To discuss any of these options, email me here.
Got Links?
Write an article you think I'll love, or find one elsewhere online? Instead of writing me, please bookmark your link on delicious, and tag it for:simplyla. I'll make sure to check it out next time I'm on delicious, and if it really strikes my fancy, it may be featured on a Saturday link round-up post or as a special post all to itself.
Tags contact me, lori ann, personal
Lori Ann
contact me|lori ann|personal|